Monday 18 July 2016

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever is a painful, debilitating, mosquito-borne disease caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses.

An estimated 390 million dengue infections occur worldwide each year, with about 96 million resulting in illness. Most cases occur in tropical areas of the world, with the highest density of cases clustered in the following areas:
  • The Indian subcontinent
  • Southeast Asia
  • Southern China
  • Taiwan
  • The Pacific Islands
  • The Caribbean (except Cuba and the Cayman Islands)
  • Mexico
  • Africa
  • Central and South America (except Chile, Paraguay, and Argentina
Dengue fever is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with a dengue virus. The mosquito becomes infected when it bites a person with dengue virus in their blood. It does not spread directly from one person to another person.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever

Symptoms of Dengue usually begin four to six days after initial infection and last for up to 10 days. These  may include:
  • Sudden, high fever
  • Severe headaches
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Severe joint and muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Skin rash, which appears two to five days after the onset of fever
  • Mild bleeding (such a nose bleed, bleeding gums, or easy bruising)
Occasionally, symptoms are mild and can be mistaken for those of the flu or other viral infections. Younger children and people who have never had dengue tend to have milder cases than older children and adults. However, serious problems can develop in either case . This can include dengue hemorrhagic fever, a rare complication characterized by high fever, damage to lymph and blood vessels, bleeding from the nose and gums, enlargement of the liver, and failure of the circulatory system. The symptoms may progress to massive bleeding, shock, and death. This is called dengue shock syndrome (DSS).

People with weakened immune systems as well as those with second or subsequent dengue infections are believed to be at greater risk for developing dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Diagnosing Dengue Fever

Dengue is readily diagnosed through blood testing. Samples should be taken after 4 days of symptoms though newly developed rapid test kits are also available. 

Treatment for Dengue Fever

There is no specific medicine to treat dengue infections. Primary treatment protocols include aggressive hydration, fever and pain control, and supportive care with routine blood monitoring. In event of severe complications, patients should be referred to the hospitals for further treatment. 

Preventing Dengue Fever

There are no available vaccines to prevent dengue fever at this stage. The best way to prevent the disease is to prevent bites by infected mosquitoes, particularly if you are living in or traveling to a tropical area. This involves protecting yourself and making efforts to keep the mosquito population down.

For self protection:
  • Stay away from heavily populated residential areas if possible.
  • Use mosquito repellents, even indoors.
  • When outdoors, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants tucked into socks.
  • When indoors, use air conditioning if available.
  • Make sure windows and door screens are secure and free of holes. If sleeping areas are not screened or air conditioned, use mosquito nets.
  • If you have symptoms of dengue, speak to your doctor.
To control the mosquito population, get rid of places where mosquitoes can breed. These include old tires, cans, or flower pots that collect rain. Regularly change the water in outdoor bird baths and your pets' water dishes.

If someone in your home gets dengue fever, be especially vigilant about efforts to protect yourself and other family members from mosquitoes. Mosquitoes that bite the infected family member can spread the infection to others in your home.

About The Author

Dr Lau Tzun Hon is a resident housecall doctor at CMY Medical. He received his MBBS (Hons) from Sydney University in 2001 and has served in the both private and government restructured hospitals prior to commencing his practice in Home Care.

While in the Government Restructured Hospitals, Dr Lau served primarily in the Department of Accident & Emergency Medicine and Anaesthesia. Upon entering the Private sector, Dr Lau worked in both public and private A&E departments before venturing into Home Care.

Over the years, he has developed a strong passion to maintain and  enhance the quality of life for patients under his care.  A strong believer that healthcare does not need to be financially straining, Dr Lau often delivers more value beyond expectations.

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