Friday 28 April 2017

What Is Dementia?

What is dementia?

Dementia is a condition that afflicts the brain. The mental abilities of dementia patients decline as the illness causes brain cells to die at a faster rate than normal. These patients experience memory loss, deteriorating mental abilities, and personality changes.

There are two main types of dementia: Alzheimer’s disease and multi-infarct dementia. Alzheimer patients experience a gradual decline in their mental abilities as the illness progresses. There is no known medical cure for the disease. On the other hand, multi-infarct dementia may result from a series of strokes in the brain.

Who is at risk?

Dementia is an illness that affects elderly people In Singapore, approximately 6.2% of elderly people aged 65 years and above have dementia.

What are the Symptoms?

The disease generally progresses through three stages. Specific symptoms are associated with each stage, namely:
  • Stage 1: Mild Dementia
    • Forgetfulness
    • Repeating himself/herself
    • Odd behaviour
    • Social Withdrawal
    • Agitation
    • Lethargy
    • Difficulty with organisation of daily activities
  • Stage 2: Moderate Dementia
    • Obvious memory lapse
    • Odd behaviour (e.g. Neglecting personal hygiene, getting lost, forgetting names of familiar people and objects)
  • Stage 3: Severe Dementia
    • Difficulty with performing familiar tasks (e.g. Personal care)
    • Impaired speech
    • Inability to comprehend conversation
    • Unable to recognise family members
    • Disorientation of place and time
    • Poor judgement 
    • Difficulty with abstract thinking
    • Personality change

What should I do?

Consult your doctor If you or your relative manifest memory loss.

It is important to recognise that caring for dementia patients is emotionally and physically challenging. Your doctor can assist you in establishing a supportive environment by putting you in touch with allied healthcare professionals who can help.

About The Author

Dr Lau Tzun Hon is a resident housecall doctor at CMY Medical. He received his MBBS (Hons) from Sydney University in 2001 and has served in the both private and government restructured hospitals prior to commencing his practice in Home Care.

While in the Government Restructured Hospitals, Dr Lau served primarily in the Department of Accident & Emergency Medicine and Anaesthesia. Upon entering the Private sector, Dr Lau worked in both public and private A&E departments before venturing into Home Care.

Over the years, he has developed a strong passion to maintain and  enhance the quality of life for patients under his care.  A strong believer that healthcare does not need to be financially straining, Dr Lau often delivers more value beyond expectations.

Monday 24 April 2017

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that destroys your mental functions. It causes the degeneration of brain cells, and leads to a steady decline in memory and mental function. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia.

What are the Symptoms?

The disease progresses at a different rate from one patient to another.

At the early onset of Alzheimer’s, patients notice increasing forgetfulness and mild confusion. You may find yourself having difficulty remembering things and/or organising your thoughts. You may not realise that something has changed even when there are noticeable changes in your family members, friends, and colleagues.

Advanced patients manifest increasing memory lost, including the loss of recent memory. They may undergo a change in personality and behaviour. These patients may also experience depression, delusions, and a loss of inhibitions. Important mental functions like the ability to read, dance, sing, enjoy music, and tell stories are usually lost at an advanced stage of the disease.

What Causes Alzheimer’s Disease?

The causes of Alzheimer’s disease are not yet understood. It may be caused by genetic changes. It may also be caused by a combination of factors, such as genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environmental factors.

Risk factors may include:
  • Age, particularly after age 65
  • Family History
  • Down Syndrome
  • Gender, with women at a higher risk
  • Cognitive Impairment
  • Head trauma
  • Lifestyle choices, particularly obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, low fibre diet

When do I seek Medical Advice?

Based on the information you provide and test results, your doctor will make an informed judgement about whether you have Alzheimer’s disease. A definitive test for Alzheimer’s disease does not exist.

Doctors rely on various tests in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, including:
  • Physical exam to check neurological health. He may test your reflexes, muscle tone, sense of hearing and sight, coordination, and balance.
  • Blood tests
  • Neuropsychological tests to assess memory and thinking skills
  • Brain imaging

What are the Treatment Options?

Although Alzheimer’s disease is irreversible, there is a range of treatment options available that may help the patient adjust to living with the disease.

  • Medication to help manage cognitive changes and behavioural symptoms
  • Creating a supportive environment that strengthens routine habits
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Supplements like the Omega-3 fatty acids, ginkgo, and Vitamin E

About The Author

Dr Lau Tzun Hon is a resident housecall doctor at CMY Medical. He received his MBBS (Hons) from Sydney University in 2001 and has served in the both private and government restructured hospitals prior to commencing his practice in Home Care.

While in the Government Restructured Hospitals, Dr Lau served primarily in the Department of Accident & Emergency Medicine and Anaesthesia. Upon entering the Private sector, Dr Lau worked in both public and private A&E departments before venturing into Home Care.

Over the years, he has developed a strong passion to maintain and  enhance the quality of life for patients under his care.  A strong believer that healthcare does not need to be financially straining, Dr Lau often delivers more value beyond expectations.

Monday 17 April 2017

Home Care for Bed Bound Patients

To witness a family member or loved one bed bound is an emotionally draining experience. To be unable to do much to help their suffering and to provide the best of care makes the feeling worse. This article strives to offer some solutions and understanding for the layperson caring for bed bound patients.

Bed bound patients face a variety of issues, from manpower support, mental illnesses like depression, basic cleanliness and hygiene, bed sores, to chronic diseases like hypertension. Of this list, manpower issues usually rank highest.

Most bed bound patients in Singapore stay at home and are looked after by family members. Over time, this can take an exhausting toll on family members and an understanding of home-based care will be of immense aid to family as well as patient.

Understand the Cause for becoming bed bound

A patient can become bed bound for a multitude of reasons. A fracture of the spine, paralysis and coma post trauma, surgery, head injury, end of life causes, old age and the commonly encountered cerebrovascular accident are all situations which can cause patients to become bed bound. Understanding the causes can help prevent the problem from happening in the first place, while adjusting the care for such patients will improve the quality of life for these patients.

Common problems

Nursing Issues
  • Ulcers or bedsores: Pressure ulcers and bed sores, if left unchecked, can cause serious complications over time.
  • Basic Hygiene and Cleanliness. Basic cleaning of patients, regular change of diapers, monitoring of bowel movements, are all important but physically very demanding.
Medical Issues
  • Muscle atropy. After prolonged periods of inactivity, muscles eventually lose their strength and muscle weakness sets in, making it a vicious cycle. The bed bound patient becomes more bound to the bed with the passing of each day.
  • Frequent Infections: Due to the sitting / lying posture, the lungs cannot fully inflate with each breath and hence respiratory infections are common. Due to the long term use of diapers, the urinary tract becomes easily infected.
  • Mental Illnesses. It is common for patients who are bed bound to become depressed. Love, care and attention, frequent companionship and empathy will go a long way in treatment of these patients.
  • Insomnia. It is common for bed bound patients to have poor sleep. 
General Issues due to lack of activity:
  • Bed bound patients usually report a loss of appetite, loss of interest in all things big and small, and a general decline amongst all functions. .

Challenges for the Caregivers

Caring for a bed bound patient is challenging. With the passage of time, the daily grind of caring for the bed bound patient will take its toll on the caregiver.

Enforcing personal hygiene, administering the correct medications, serving proper foods, ensuring regular exercise, and providing companionship for bed bound patients are but the basic fundamentals required.

To go beyond the above, turning the bed bound patient every 2-4 hours to prevent bed sores round the clock, suctioning and cleaning the airway, feeding through tubes, dressing open skin sores and wounds, care for urinary catheters are all farther challenges faced by caregivers faced with patient who have complicated medical problems.

It is hence normal for a caregiver to feel overwhelmed at some stage, resulting in high levels of caregiver stress. Thus, the provision of manpower, simply an extra pair of hands, will make a big difference when it comes to home care.

Risks faced by bed bound patients

Common risks include:
  • Development of bed or pressure sores which worsen if left untreated.
  • Formation of blood clots in the veins of the lower limbs. If these clots break off and get lodged in the heart, lungs or brain, it can cause farther complications. 
  • Muscle Atropy
  • Frequent infections and complications from the general lack of activity.

As an aside, do note that bed sores rank highest where nursing care is deficient. It usually begins with a mild redness to the skin but if left unchecked, the bedsores will infiltrate deeper into the skin layers and can erode the skin all the way down to bone if left unchecked.

Do's and Don'ts
  • Perform daily skin inspection to check for reddening of the skin, especially in bony areas like knees, hips, shoulders, ears, tailbone, and buttocks.
  • If a bed sore is identified, cushion it immediately and seek medical help if the skin is broken.
  • Keep skin clean and dry. Clean the skin with mild soap and water; pat dry.
  • Moist the skin: Use body lotion to keep the skin lubricated. Use powder to dry the folds of the skins, such as armpits and under the breast.
  • Bedding and linen should be changed daily. In case of bed wetting, change the wet sheets immediately.
  • Keep the patient hydrated.
  • Have a balanced diet: A healthy and nutritious diet is very important to boost the patient’s immunity. Keep a diary to record all meals taken.
  • Exercise the patient: To prevent muscle weakness, exercises should be done, keeping in perspective the patient’s condition. If the patient can walk a little, help him/her walk around as per convenience.
  • Massage: Deep massages can help prevent blood circulation-related complications. Light massages are ideal for painful muscles and prevention of bedsores.
  • Positioning: Reposition the patient every 2 hours. Never drag the patient; always lift.
  • Keep limbs elevated: Both hands and legs should be kept a little elevated to prevent swelling and help blood circulation.

What to do in case of bedsores?

Unless experienced or trained, the first contact of bedsores should be handled by medical professionals as far as possible.

However, for first response, the best treatment of bed sores is to leave it open to air and to alleviate any pressure on the bed sore as much as possible.

With enough experience with the type of dressings to be used, the caregiver should learn from each episode and become familiar with the available treatments and methods used to clean bed sores.

The best method of treatment bed sores is prevention. So constant vigilance is the key.

About The Author

Dr Lau Tzun Hon is a resident housecall doctor at CMY Medical. He received his MBBS (Hons) from Sydney University in 2001 and has served in the both private and government restructured hospitals prior to commencing his practice in Home Care.

While in the Government Restructured Hospitals, Dr Lau served primarily in the Department of Accident & Emergency Medicine and Anaesthesia. Upon entering the Private sector, Dr Lau worked in both public and private A&E departments before venturing into Home Care.

Over the years, he has developed a strong passion to maintain and  enhance the quality of life for patients under his care.  A strong believer that healthcare does not need to be financially straining, Dr Lau often delivers more value beyond expectations.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Alzheimer’s and Dementia - Are They The Same?

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia are two different diagnoses. They are not the same. While both have often been confused with one another, they are two distinct entities.

What is Dementia?

“Dementia” refers to a group of symptoms inclusive of impaired thinking, memory loss, and is often associated with cognitive decline with aging.

While Alzheimer’s Disease is one of the causes for Dementia, “Dementia” can also be caused by other problems like Parkinson’s, Huntington’s Disease of Creutzfeldt - Jakob Disease (CJD).

Depending on the cause, Dementia can be reversible.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s Disease is a common cause of dementia totalling up to 70% of cases. Symptoms of which include impaired thought, speech and confusion. While these symptoms are common to all dementia patients, Alzheimer’s Disease is a disease that results in brain tissue destruction. This can be confirmed by extensive and sequential brain imaging.

Alzheimer’s is irreversible. It is a form of disease that is degenerative and incurable.

About The Author

Dr Lau Tzun Hon is a resident housecall doctor at CMY Medical. He received his MBBS (Hons) from Sydney University in 2001 and has served in the both private and government restructured hospitals prior to commencing his practice in Home Care.

While in the Government Restructured Hospitals, Dr Lau served primarily in the Department of Accident & Emergency Medicine and Anaesthesia. Upon entering the Private sector, Dr Lau worked in both public and private A&E departments before venturing into Home Care.

Over the years, he has developed a strong passion to maintain and  enhance the quality of life for patients under his care.  A strong believer that healthcare does not need to be financially straining, Dr Lau often delivers more value beyond expectations.